
" Nature attitude Madagascar "

Posted on 27/06/2023

After sublimating the "Antson'ny tontolo miaina" or "Interpeler le vivant" exhibition through its works and creations, « NATURE ATTITUDE MADAGASCAR » will be present at the « Louvre Hôtel et SPA » from June 14 to July 14, 2023.

NATURE ATTITUDE MADAGASCAR is an association of women working to promote Malagasy craftsmanship, local raw materials and the artistic expression of their expertise, but above all committed to respect for the environment. She was one of the artists who showcased the power of art and culture to help protect nature on World Environment Day at the Zone Zital Ankorondrano.

The environment and the climate cause concern us all, and NATURE ATTITUDE MADAGASCAR demonstrated its commitment by contributing to the beautiful "Antson'ny tontolo Miaina" exhibition. Everyone can do their bit for the environment.

For several years now, Le Louvre Hôtel et SPA has been committed to a responsible and sustainable approach to respecting and preserving the environment.

In a more ecological approach, Le Louvre Hôtel et Spa is reinforcing its commitments by using biodegradable materials, sorting and recycling waste, and setting up a food waste tracking system to combat food waste.

Through these gestures, Le Louvre Hôtel et SPA also demonstrates its commitment to the environment, and sends out a message at the same time. « NATURE ATTITUDE MADAGASCAR » and « LE LOUVRE HOTEL ET SPA » are working together for the environment, and as the Malagasy saying goes: « TAFARAY NY TIA SY NY MANINA » « LES GRANDES AMES SE RETROUVENT ».